PT1000 as replacement for KTY: Required inverter settings


What has to be observed when using motors with PT1000 temperature sensors (replacing the KTY temperature sensors used so far)?

The temperature characteristic of the PT1000 is very different from the characteristic of the previous type.

To ensure an adequate motor protection, it is absolutely necessary to adapt the motor temperature evaluation in the controller!

On the motor nameplate, you will find the sensor installed in the motor. During the transitional period, motors equipped with a PT1000 are furthermore provided with a corresponding sticker.

In the current servo inverter versions of the 8400TopLine, 9400 HighLine, and the 9400 ServoPLC, the temperature sensor has to be selected as Pt1000 or PT1000 + 2xPTC combination in the parameter C1190.

In the i700 and i950, the temperature sensor is set in the index 0x2D49:1. Here, the PT1000 is supported from V01.10.12 or V02.10.12.

For the ECS, the 9300, and all above-mentioned servo inverters with older firmware versions, you cannot directly select a PT1000; here, use the special characteristic to simulate the sensor characteristic.

Bild_AKB-201700193_EN.pngIn the attachment you will find more information on the required inverter parameter settings.

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