PR1 errors when loading a parameter set (elimination)
Which products are affected?
EPL-10200 (Drive PLC Version 2.2)
Eliminated function restriction:
PR1 trips do not occur under the following conditions:
If index signals are present at the master frequency input of extension board 3 (EPZ-10203) when the Drive PLC is switched on or the parameter set is loaded and index signal has been configured as the touch probe source (C0428 = 0).
If touch probe pulses are present at digital input I1 (terminal X3) when the Drive PLC is switched on or the parameter set is loaded and terminal X3/I1 has been configured as the touch probe source (C0428 = 1).
If an extension board has not been plugged in and the Drive PLC has not been wired to EMC requirements.
Which products are affected? EPL-10200 (Drive PLC version 1.0 to 2.1)
How is the reaction? After switching on the Drive PLC / When loading a parameter set a PR1 trip is displayed. The TRIP can be acknowledged by connecting the mains without previous storage of a parameter set.
When does the problem occur?
If index signals are present at the master frequency input of extension board 3 (EPZ-10203) when the Drive PLC is switched on or the parameter set is loaded and index signal has been configured as the touch probe source (C0428 = 0). Dependent on the frequency of the zero pulse signal there will be a sporadic PR1-Trip.
If touch probe pulses are present at digital input I1 (terminal X3) when the Drive PLC is switched on or the parameter set is loaded and terminal X3/I1 has been configured as the touch probe source (C0428 = 1). Dependent on the switch-on-time of the digital input signal and its frequency there will be a sporadic PR1-Trip.
If an extension board has not been plugged in and the Drive PLC has not been wired to EMC requirements, there can be a PR1-Trip with switching on.
Possible diagnostics? No.
Short-term measures / recommendations? For applications, for which an extension board 3 (EPZ-10203) with encoder feedback is used, the Drive PLC firmware version >=2.2 is to be applied.
For applications, for which no extension board is used, the application of extension board 1 (EPZ-10201) or extension board 2 (EPZ-10202) in the Drive PLC is sufficient. A modification of the PLC user program is not required.