#OneLenze #OneTeam

While we are a company with operations around the globe, the family touch is ever-present in our day-to-day work as well as in our personal interaction. This also involves accepting responsibility and carrying out one's work as though Lenze were one's own company. This is stated explicitly in the company principles articulated for Lenze during the 1990s under the aegis of Dr Rolf Herbert, which remain largely unchanged to this day.

"More than ever, we need employees who think and work beyond their immediate tasks, men and women who develop initiative and who support the broader aims of the company.This is essential for ensuring and continuing our long term competitiveness."

Our environment is dynamic and global. Simultaneously, our employees remain with Lenze for an average of 20 years. We have already had the pleasure of celebrating 40 or even 50 years in the service of the company with many of our colleagues. This is also indicative of an intact corporate culture which produces satisfied employees, who never stop developing and learning - but yet do so within the same company over the course of many years.

Work at Lenze takes an international approach. It is a delight for us to see how increasing numbers of international employees are joining the Lenze family and enriching our work with their valuable experience. After all, it's the blend of longstanding employees and fresh faces from all over the world that shapes the work environment at Lenze and makes our company a well-respected employer for those who want to help build the future.

Internationally connected

This is also part of our Strategy 2020+: facilitating and developing the networking of our staff. With a staff of more than 3,700 committed Lenzians working in over 45 countries, we have a presence that extends around the globe – in our own sales companies, research and development sites, production plants und logistical hubs. As such, it is especially important that collaboration between the individual teams is encouraged and the necessary technical conditions are put in place.

Our internal exchange programme for Lenzians is one of the ways in which we nurture cultural exchange, another is our international trainee programme for qualified engineers, known as the Automation Camp. We also cooperate with universities around the world, such as in Germany, the United States and Switzerland.

Excellent employer

We are proud to regularly receive awards for our personnel policy. Whether it's "Top Employer" or "Best Place to Learn", for us these awards are, above all else, an incentive to continue to outperform other companies in future and to always remain on the ball. However, to us, satisfied employees are far more important than even the most illustrious awards. Employees who view themselves as part of the Lenze family and have been helping to ensure Lenze's success for many decades. Whether on the shop floor, in the field service, in global purchasing or as an application engineer - at Lenze, every employee will find their ideal job, and one in which they can continue to learn and grow. Among other things, numerous long-service anniversaries prove that Lenze is not just a "top employer" on paper.

Family-friendly corporate culture

Finding the right balance between one’s professional and private life can often be challenging. The family-friendly corporate culture at Lenze helps our employees reconcile their professional and personal lives. We are considerate of the varying principles in the countries in which we operate. During parental leave, we stay in close contact with our employees, for instance by inviting them to company training courses. And when they return, we offer solutions with flexitime policies, job sharing or the possibility to work from home. We also help to bridge short-term gaps in childcare and are always glad to assist in the arrangement of facilities.

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Staying fit together!

At Lenze, we are convinced that employees can only perform well if they are healthy and motivated. That’s why we launched our company health management programme to create a framework within which the organisation of work promotes health and motivation. We support our employees in overcoming the rising demands of global competition.

The programme differs in the various countries. At our headquarters in Hamelin, for instance, we have various company sports groups like dragon boating, football or running. Complimentary fruit is also provided for employees in the canteen, and we organise health drives, offer occupational health surgeries and check-ups, as well as arranging health and fitness courses in cooperation with local gyms.

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