L_TC2P_CoordinatedMotionState with WaitTime: With xGroupAbort the TM switches to the error state "InvalidAxesGroupState" (fixed from…
Versions-History PLC Designer V3.x
Version V03.28.00.0000Function extensions:Integrity of the setup file can be checked after the…
Acceptance protocol for i950 ES - MC replacement
Question: Is there an acceptance protocol form available when the memory card must…
Acceptance protocol for replacement of i950 with extended safety
Question:After replacing a controller with extended safety as…
Of course, you can edit or cancel your subscription to the Lenze Newsletter at any time. Therefore please use the unsubscribe link in the…
Bien entendu, vous pouvez à tout moment modifier ou annuler votre abonnement à la lettre d'information Lenze. Veuillez donc utiliser le…
3rd party controller: When the i950 is locked, the monitoring of the speed control deviation (0x2D51:3) responds and cannot be reset…
i950: Servo control ASM and Lh saturation characteristic: Setting 0x2C07:9 not equal to 100% has a strong effect on the torque behavior…