Lenze in France URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-de-louest-et-europe-centrale/lenze-en-france Lenze in France Company Portrait Specialist in Motion Control and mechatronic drives. The first representation of Lenze in France…
Lenze in Spain URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-du-sud/lenze-en-espagne Lenze in Spain Lenze's head office in Spain is located in Sant Cugat (Barcelona). Sales, customer service, repairs, application support,…
Lenze in Italy URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-du-sud/lenze-en-italie Bi Esse SpA BIESSE is the reference point in the electrical equipment distribution. Quality, reliability and competence are the values…
Lenze in Hungary URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-de-lest/lenze-en-hongrie Lenze in Hungary The Hungarian representative office which located in Budaörs BWT Irodaházban is 100% owned by Austria Holding Lenze. In…
Lenze in Russia URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-de-lest/lenze-en-russie Lenze in Russia OOO "ARGUM" 656037, Altayskiy kray, Barnaul, prospekt Kalinina, 30, b.1 Grigoryev Aleksey +7 3852 536-294…
Lenze in Poland URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-de-louest-et-europe-centrale/lenze-en-pologne Autecon Prosta Spółka Akcyjna ul. Żurawia 32/34 00-515 Warszawa 537317273 zbigniew.szyba@autecon.pl MALUKA Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. ul.…
Lenze in Lithuania URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-de-louest-et-europe-centrale/lenze-en-lituanie Martynas Benašas Application and Service (LT, EN, RU) +370 655 91680 Martynas.Benasas@lenze.com Šarūnas Šilkaitis Sales…
Lenze in Latvia URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-de-louest-et-europe-centrale/lenze-en-lettonie Lenze Latvijoje Lenze UAB dibināta 2001.gadā. Kauņā - Kompānija Lenze UAB ir Vācijas holdinga Lenze SE meitas uzņēmums. 2007.gadā.…
Lenze in Bulgaria URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-de-lest/lenze-en-bulgarie Lenze in Bulgaria Lenze has long been interested in starting business. We started market development as early as 1980. Contacts with…
Lenze in Sweden URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-du-nord/lenze-en-suede Lenze in Sweden Company portrait Lenze AB is part of the Lenze Nordic organization which supports our customers also in Denmark and…
Lenze in Denmark URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/europe-du-nord/lenze-au-danemark Lenze in Denmark Lenze A/S is part of the Lenze Nordic organization which supports our customers also in Sweden and Finland. The head…
Lenze in Korea URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/asie/lenze-en-coree 국제코퍼레이션은 국내외 자동화산업에 사용되는 자동화 부품 및 동력전달장치를 고객사에 효율적으로 공급하고 있습니다. 아울러 산업현장에 필요한 관련 제품 및 기술지원을 전문으로 하는 자동화 제품 전문 공급 업체를 지향하고 있습니다. 국제코퍼레이션…
Lenze in China URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/asie/lenze-en-chine Lenze in China Lenze Drive Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is the local representation of the Lenze group in the People's Republic of China.…
Lenze in Brazil URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/continent-americain/lenze-au-bresil Welcome to Lenze Brazil, a global German company with a complete sales and service structure in Brazil. We specialize in industrial…
Lenze in Argentina URL: /fr-be/note-societe/presence-globale/continent-americain/lenze-en-argentine Lenze in Argentina