Lenze in China

Lenze Drive Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is the local representation of the Lenze group in the People's Republic of China. With our production plant and logistics center in Shanghai Lingang Heavy Equipment Zone and our 11 sales offices throughout China, we are able to provide the complete Lenze product portfolio - from the control system to the drive shaft!

Since 1997 Lenze has its own subsidiary in the Chinese market. Starting from a small representative office in Beijing, we steadily expanded our engagement in China. In 2007 we set-up our own production plant in Shanghai along with a logistics center. This gives us the freedom to react to the local market needs more quickly and efficiently. From our logistics center in Shanghai we can deliver Lenze standard products as well as customized products, just as you need it!

More than 100 regional sales and service engineers can support you from one of our 11 sales offices in China with profound industry and application knowledge. Our service plant in Shanghai Lingang further allows us to supply product repair, improvement and technical support.

Recruitment notice

We hereby declare that the official recruitment platform of Lenze Drive Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Lenze) shall only be valid on the official Chinese website of Lenze www.lenze.cn / www.lenze.com , as well as on the job portals www.51job.com, www.job1001.com and www.zhaopin.com . Any other online recruitment information and recruiting calls from other sources or non-Shanghai areas are false information. Please handle them with great care and beware of any fraud.

Our contacts at a glance

