How to export the telephone book

How can the telephone book of the Lenze 'System bus configurator' software be transmitted to another PC?

The telephone book of the 'System bus configurator' software serves for entering different remote maintenance systems which can be selected via the EMF 2181IB (ModemCAN) communication module. The telephone book entries are saved in the PhoneDir.ini file. The column width and its arrangement are saved in the PhoneDirSettings.ini file. The two files mentioned before are located under the Lenze installation path selected (usually under C:\Programs\Lenze\System bus). Both files are to be copied and inserted on the second computer under the same path ...\System bus.

The system bus configurator must already be installed on the second computer since otherwise a complete new installation would overwrite both files. If the software is updated the two files will not be overwritten.

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