Troubleshooting – the HTTP/VNC service is not working

This article helps you troubleshoot when your VNC or HTTP service isn’t working. If you still need to configure any of these services on X4 Remote, please see the corresponding guides in the left menu.

Select the service that is not working for you:

  • HTTP service
  • VNC service

HTTP service

To narrow down the possible causes, you’ll first need to test if your machine is effectively running an HTTP server.

  • Test if the HTTP server is running

If you already confirmed the HTTP server to be running, please go to:

  • HTTP service troubleshooting

Test if the HTTP server is running

To narrow down the possible causes, you’ll first need to test if your machine is effectively running an HTTP server.

  • Establish a VPN connection to your device.
  • Open a new tab in your browser.
  • Enter the IP address of your machine and press [Enter].

If you are now looking at the HTTP server of your machine, that means that your machine is running an HTTP server and that it is accessible. Please continue with HTTP service troubleshooting.

If you get an error message in your browser, the IP address may be incorrect, your machine may not be running an HTTP server, or you cannot reach your machine at all.

Make sure that:

After doing these checks, you can repeat the test above.

HTTP service troubleshooting

Once you have confirmed that the HTTP server is running on your machine, it’s time to look at how the HTTP service is configured in X4 Remote.

  • Open the Fleet Manager app, which is accessible from the Apps menu in the top right corner if you are currently in a different X4 Remote app.
  • Open the main menu, go to Devices, and select the concerning device.

Make sure that the HTTP service’s:

  • protocol matches that of the server on your machine (HTTP or HTTPS). It’s important to note that communication between your computer and the machine will always be encrypted and secure, regardless of whether you choose HTTP or HTTPS.
  • IP address matches the IP address of the machine.
  • port is correct. HTTP is usually port 80. HTTPS is usually port 443.
  • landing page is correct. Unless you have configured a specific page on your HTTP server, you can leave the landing page to its default value “/”.

Lastly, you have now made the changes in X4 Remote, but these may not yet be active in your device. You will need to push your changes to your device for them to take effect.

  • Click [Push config to device] in the top right corner.

Problem solved?
Problem solved? Good! If not, please contact Lenze support.

VNC service

To narrow down the possible causes, you’ll first need to test if your machine is effectively running a VNC server.

  • Test if the VNC server is running

If you already confirmed the VNC server to be running, please go to:

  • VNC service troubleshooting

Test if the VNC server is running

To narrow down the possible causes, you’ll first need to test if your machine is effectively running a VNC server.

If you are now looking at the VNC server of your machine, that means that your machine is running a VNC server and that it is accessible. Please continue with VNC service troubleshooting.

If you get an error message in your browser, the IP address may be incorrect, your machine may not be running a VNC server, or you cannot reach your machine at all. Make sure that:

After doing these checks, you can repeat the test above.

VNC service troubleshooting

Once you have confirmed that the HTTP server is running on your machine, it’s time to look at how the HTTP service is configured in X4 Remote.

  • Open the Fleet Manager app, which is accessible from the Apps menu in the top right corner if you are currently in a different X4 Remote app.
  • Open the main menu, go to Devices, and select the concerning device.

Make sure that the VNC service’s:

  • IP address matches the IP address of the machine.
  • port is correct. VNC is usually port 5900.
  • password is correct. If you needed a password in the test above to effectively connect to your VNC server, then you need to enter that password here too.
  • encoding and color depth are correct (details below).
Encoding Leave “automatic” for compatibility with most systems.

Using Lenze hardware? Set the encoding to Hextile instead.
Color depth Leave “automatic” for compatibility with most systems.

Using B&R hardware? Set the color depth to what is set on your B&R device instead (default is 8-bit).
Using VIPA hardware? Set the color depth to what is set on your VIPA device instead (either 8 or 32-bit).

You have now made the changes in X4 Remote, but these may not yet be active in your device. You will need to push your changes to your device for them to take effect.

  • Click [Push config to device] in the top right corner.

Lastly, make sure your machine is configured correctly for compatibility with the Lenze VNC service:

Machine settings Using Siemens hardware? Turn off “encrypt communication” in the WinCC settings’ Server tab on your HMI.
Using PC hardware? Make sure that your VNC server is set to accept unencrypted connections.

Problem solved?
Good! If not, please contact Lenze support.


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