Lenze Denmark

Location Albertslund

Lenze in Denmark

Company portrait

Lenze A/S is part of the Lenze Nordic organization which supports our customers also in Sweden and Finland. The head office of Lenze Nordic is situated outside Copenhagen in Denmark with regional sales offices in Denmark, Sweden and Finland. We offer you sales and technical support within drive and automation systems.

Lenze is a leading automation company for the machine-building industry and a specialist in Motion Centric Automation. As a systems supplier with solutions competence, Lenze works for and with its customers to create high-quality mechatronic products and packages, powerful systems consisting of hardware and software for machine automation, as well as digitalisation services in areas such as big data management, cloud or mobile solutions, and software for the Internet of Things (IoT).

Lenze is one of the few providers in the market who are alongside you for the entire development process of your machine - from initial ideas all the way to after-sales, from the control system all the way to the drive shaft. This partnership brings in the latest drive & automation technology, makes your projects run faster and gives you more time for your particular design expertise. We supply complete drive and automation solutions including HMI, controllers, drives, motors, and gears. All these components are of course also provided separately as well as electromechanical brakes and couplings.

Our offer is unique on the market in its diversity. Our products are of high quality, innovative and perfectly coordinated and can be easily extended or combined. This consistent scalability helps to avoid over-dimensioning and save costs - not only for the initial investment itself, but also later during operation. The product range of Lenze is extensive allowing many of our customers to make Lenze the single source of drive and automation.

We support you with:

  • Customer service for simple price and delivery enquiries
  • Technical sales for more complex enquiries and technical advice
  • Field sales for face to face engineering discussions
  • Application engineers and product managers provide in-depth technical support
  • Configuration, commissioning and training
  • Service department for field service and advice on obsolete products
  • Repair and claim department for repair and returns

Our contacts at a glance


Lenze Performance Partner System Integration

Industri-Automatik A/S

Industri-Automatik A/S udvikler komplekse styrings- og automationsløsninger til en bred vifte af maskin- og anlægsfabrikanter samt produktionsanlæg på det danske marked og i udlandet. Vi leverer komplette og individuelle løsninger til industrien, med alt fra projektledelse, design, opbygning, programmering til installation, test og idriftsætning.

Industri-Automatik A/S
Sundsnæs 6A
DK-6300 Gråsten
+45 7368 5030


Stampes Elektro A/S

Stampes Elektro A/S arbejder altid ud fra kundens udfordringer, ideer, ønsker og behov. Gennem 40 år har vi udviklet stor erfaring med et utal af små og store projekter. Vi leverer kompetent rådgivning indenfor de fleste former for styring og industriel automation. Stampes tilgang er at starte med en dialog omkring eventuelle optimeringsopgaver, styringsmæssige problemer eller de generelle projekt ønsker. Tal med os, inden I går i gang – det kan godt betale sig!

Stampes Elektro A/S
Vesterled 14
DK-6950 Ringkøbing
+45 97 3207 44


TBR Automatik

TBR Automatik løser stort set alle opgaver, hvad enten det drejer sig om fejlfinding på eksisterende anlæg, migrering af ældre udstyr til nyt eller nyudvikling af en komplet automations- eller styringsopgave. Jeg har mere end 20 års erfaring med Lenze automationsprodukter. Derfor er jeg er godt ”klædt” på – også til din opgave!

TBR Automatik

Jordbærsvinget 6
DK – 4684 Holmegaard


AB Electric

AB Electric A/S har arbejdet med Lenze servosystemer lige siden servoteknologien blev opfundet. Vi har meget stor erfaring i komplette styringer, og vores speciale er inden for den grafiske branche samt roterende maskiner. Vores største styrke er, at vi kan varetage en automationsopgave fra A-Z – alt lige fra projektering, konstruktion, dokumentation, fabrikering af styretavler, software, el-montage, test og til idriftsættelse hos kunden. AB Electric A/S beskæftiger i dag 60 medarbejdere og har lavet automationsløsninger inden for de fleste brancher igennem vores mere end 40 års eksistens.

AB Electric A/S
Birkedam 10L
DK-6000 Kolding

+45 7557 2777

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